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Category: Multimedia Learning (Page 1 of 2)

Assignment 4- Multimedia Lesson Plan: Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies


Learners will be able to execute the recipe for chocolate chip cookies, which will enhance their basic techniques and understanding of the importance of baking.

Learning Objectives:

By then end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

  1. Exhibit the use of sanitation and safety practices in baking production.
  2. Describe the use of equipment, tools, and utensils commonly used in bakery production. 
  3. Explain procedures for measuring wet and dry ingredients. 
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in the usage of standardized recipes. 
  5. Prepare chocolate chip cookies.
  6. Bake and cool cookies correctly. 

Prior Knowledge:

  1. Learners will need to know how to follow simple recipe instructions.
  2. Learners will need to be familiar with oven uses including the baking function, preheating the oven, and temperature. 


  • Introduce the chocolate chip cookie recipe and tell a personal story to illustrate why baking is an important life skill.
    • Verbal and text instructions
  • Overview of sanitization/safety protocols and introductory recipe steps.
    • Verbal and text instructions
    • Video worked examples 
    • Video with H5P multiple-choice questions for formative assessment
  • Gather and measure designated ingredients.
    • Verbal and text instructions 
    • Video worked examples
  • Combine dry and wet ingredients separately. Then add them together.
    • Verbal and text instructions 
    • Video worked examples
    • Video with H5P multiple-choice questions for formative assessment
  • Roll dough into balls and drop them onto cookie sheet.
    • Verbal and text instructions 
    • Video worked examples
    • Video with H5P multiple-choice questions for formative assessment
  • Bake cookies and explain proper baking, cooling and storage procedures.
    • Verbal and text instructions 
    • Video worked examples
    • Video with H5P multiple-choice questions for formative assessment


  • Learners will follow designated baking times but also colour test the cookies. Golden brown will indicate they are finished. 
  • Learners will evaluate the taste of the cookies by eating them.

To grab the attention of the learners, an infographic explains the life benefits of baking. The interactive video with included PowerPoint slides then fully explains how to properly execute the recipe. The Baking with Syds cheat-sheet recipe allows easy reference to the baking instructions with progress pictures attached for comparison. 

The multimedia learning principle incorporates a combination of words, videos and narration. This is much more effective than just words alone and provides the learners with multiple ways of absorbing content. 

Worked examples principle was followed as we personally demonstrated the proper methods through video clips or pictures of us preforming the tasks we were explaining. This helps the audience think of the lesson in a practical and meaningful way.

The segmenting principle incorporated multiple-choice questions after important steps in the recipe. We used PowerPoint slides to divide the recipe into learner-paced segments, followed by short video clips with narration. In the cheat-sheet recipe, segments were created with numbered bullet points. Coloured and titled sections were also created in the infographic. This allows learners to develop a strong understanding of each concept, before moving onto the next steps.

The personalization principle was used because our video was presented in a conversational style, where we began with a personal experience of baking with family members, others can relate to. Narration made people feel involved and emotionally invested in the material, allowing learners to pay closer attention to the content. This principle was also used in the infographic by explaining the benefits of baking to enhance the learner’s personal life.

The feedback principle was also used where after each multiple-choice question, feedback was provided if the learner got the question wrong. This allows for active learning because it engaged the leaners through hands-on skill building.

Avoiding “Death by PowerPoint,” the cognitive load theory was used to ensure that only one idea was discussed and there were no more than six bullet points per PowerPoint slide. We avoided reading off the text from our slides and instead let the audience read the information (redundancy principle). The slides told a step-by-step story that the audience could follow. This helped us to avoid overloading the working memory before time for encoding.

The dual coding theory was used in the interactive video by incorporating narration to each video clip because combining information from visual and verbal channels allows learners to remember more. We avoided overloading the visual channel by limiting the amount of text and images that explained the same concept.

Behaviourism and the concept of flow kept the audience engaged. Videos, images and narration enhanced engagement because visually seeing the task allows learners to actively learn the steps, developing a deeper understanding and cultivating passion. The multiple-choice questions were intrinsically rewarding and personal life benefits developed connections, increasing motivation.


Cheat-sheet recipe

Assignment 3B: Core MultiMedia Skills

To further convey my Core Multimedia Skills, I chose to reproduce my video on “How to Format a Business letter”. In doing so, I added additional information and made it interactive by adding elements such as multiple-choice questions and additional text. 

The first principle added was the segmenting principle as I included multiple choice questions after different topics of the business letter. This allows for the learner to enhance their understanding and memory of the concepts as they are rehearsing them. This was so crucial as an important aspect of Business Letters are details and therefore having the multiple-choice questions to test on these details, prove very beneficial to the learner. 

Adding the multiple-choice questions also added immediate feedback to the learner (feedback principle) which checked their current understanding. The multiple choice allowed for active learning as it actively engaged the students in my presentation through hands-on skill-building.

To ensure that the information I was explaining to the listener moved from sensory input to long term memory, I utilized the Dual Coding theory by not overloading one mean of information and having both visual and verbal information. I spoke to different points and insight that was written on the PowerPoint which allowed for the redundancy principle to be utilized. 

I included the worked examples principle and tried to reinforce throughout the updated video that the example was included for reference, so that at any point the learner could pause the video to look at it. In addition, the signalling principle was demonstrated once the multiple-choice questions and the text box were added because they highlighted key aspects of the Business Letter that I wanted the learner to take away. 

To avoid “Death by PowerPoint”, I utilized the Cognitive Load Theory by only having one main idea per slide and a maximum of 6 objects per slide but also using the verbal channel to help the learners remember more. Lastly, I varied the tone of my voice while presenting, and paused during transition points for the personalization principle to have an effect. 

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Sydney Ellis Blog Feedback 2:

I really liked how you utilized the personalization principle because when I was reading your blog it felt as if we were having a conversation rather than a formal style. I think this is very effective as the reader is much more inclined to retain the information and be willing to read it and learn it. I also liked that you used the worked examples principle because you not only explained why Twine was effective, but you gave an instance it could actually be utilized in to help the reader see the value in Twine.

I think you could improve by using the segmenting principle because the blog is one continuous unit and I think breaking it up into different points would just make it easier for the reader to follow and grasp.

Overall, great job. I especially loved your twine story!!

References: https://sydneyellis.opened.ca/2021/03/05/topic-7-the-importance-of-storytelling/ 

Xinyi Li Blog Feedback 2:

I liked how you used the coherence principle in your blog post because it allows for the reader to really see the main points that you are trying to get across. You didn’t add any unnecessary extraneous information to confuse or overcomplicate and I think that it was very effective. Adding onto this, I liked how it was only presented in one format (the bullet points) because as the reader I feel like it was easier to follow than if you had presented it in more than one format.

I think that you could have improved your blog by utilizing the signalling principle, specifically where you had your bullet points. I think it would have been effective to bold or highlight the different principles just to break up the post a little bit and not have it all merge into one. 

Overall, great job!!

References: https://xinyili.opened.ca/2021/03/21/active-learning/ 

Summer Liu Blog Feedback 2

I really liked how you utilized the multimedia principle in your post by having relevant images that related to your ted talk and your writing. I feel that I was able to understand better from having both words and pictures and understand the Ted Talk more effectively. I also liked that you used the pre-training principle by talking about the different elements of the Ted Talk in your post first, and then having the Ted Talk incorporated at the end. This allows for the reader to feel more educated on the talk before actually watching it.

I think you could improve by incorporating the signalling principle. It would have been nice if you highlighted or bolded some of the points in your post that you found to be most important so that the audience could have a takeaway.

Overall, great job on your post!

References: https://summerliu.opened.ca/review-of-a-ted-talk/  

Persuasive Presentations or Death by Powerpoint

Here is my ScreenCastify PowerPoint presentation on “How to Format a Business Letter”:

Utilized Multimedia Principles:

Multimedia principle- I included photos of examples of what the business letter is supposed to look like.

Redundancy principle- I included text on my PowerPoint but did not read off the text and instead had a separate script with different, more in-depth information.

Segmenting principle- I tried to break up the elements of the business letter and have them on different slides so that it was presented in a learner-pace rather than a continuous unit to hopefully make it easier to follow and less intimidating.

Pre-training principle-  I had a brief overview at the beginning of my PowerPoint which included a photo (example) of all of the elements that I went over to familiarize the viewer with the main concepts.

Personalization principle- When explaining the concept, I did it in a conversation format by saying hello and introducing myself at the beginning to make it feel more personal.

Worked examples principle- I included an example with arrows on every slide to make it easy and clear for the listener to understand what I was talking about and to have worked examples for them to reference.








The Importance of Storytelling

Here’s my twine story that I created.

The first multimedia principle that directly relates to my interactive Twine Story is the signalling principle. For my story, I bolded, underlined and italicized information that I thought to be important and that I wanted to stand out to the reader. This information included important names like the universities, or other mentions that I thought were more relevant and worth highlighting to the reader.

The second principle utilized is the segmenting principle. The way that Twine is designed, it allows for this principle to be naturally utilized as it breaks up the story into different segments, rather that presenting it as a continuous unit. I find this to be useful for the reader, as it almost breaks up the story into natural “chapters” that allows for it to be more organized and easier to follow.

Lastly, the personalization principle is demonstrated as Twine allows for the story to be presented and feel less informal than the typical story. The reader feels more engaged which helps it feel more like a conversation and personal because they are clicking on the different options to further develop the story and can go at their own pace.

One way I think you could use a Twine story for educational purposes, is to explain a complex historic event in History or Social Studies courses. I think this would be effective because trying to explain these events can become boring and can get quite confusing. This would allow for the students to be more engaged with the interactive feature and break the story/event up. Having the different options would allow for the teacher to incorporate perspectives from different people or situations in the historic event that eventually all lead to a conclusion.







Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash



Assignment 3A: Core MultiMedia Skills

To convey my core Multimedia Skills, I chose to do a voiceover using the screencastify browser extension to enhance my 360 virtual Google Earth Tour of my trip to Prince Edward Island. I thought that adding the audio explanation to this tour made it much more engaging. I also included further information to convey my knowledge and love for this province as well as some popups and interactive elements.






Photo by Scott Walsh on Unsplash

The first principle that I included was the Multimedia principle and I did so by including pictures (visuals) that directly related to the content I was explaining.

In addition, the modality principle was utilized as I added the narration which was not previously included as I thought it would be less effective if someone had just performed the tour themselves as there would only be text. Furthermore, the modality principle was used as I elaborated extensively on the printed text that was provided.

Adding the voiceover allowed me to use the personalization principle as I was able to have a conversation with the listener/learner about my experience which allowed for a more in-depth explanation and informal style of learning. As explained in the summary of principles, people learn more effectively when this is done and this aspect was critical to me when filming my video as this is how I learn best.

Lastly, I made it an interactive video with the multiple-choice feature to utilize the self-explanation principle as well as to increase the interaction throughout the video. These questions were not necessarily right or wrong answer questions, but more so to get the learner thinking about the information I had expressed. Along with these questions, I did provide feedback that was tailored to each answer but in a more personalized way because they weren’t right or wrong answer questions. I think this further added to the personalization of the video and allowed the listener to learn in a way that did not necessarily even feel like learning.

The Dual Coding Theory was utilized as I used narration to expand on my text and visuals.


Sydney Ellis Blog Feedback

I thought you explained your answers to the prompts very thoroughly and they were very easy to understand and grasp. Your video was so well rehearsed, and your explanation made a challenging software like excel, more straightforward and less intimidating. I think the skill you were teaching as well is a life skill that everyone should know how to do and is something that I will find useful in the future.

In your video you gave a great explanation of how to calculate all of the measures of central tendency, and I would have liked if at the end of you video you had given a quick summary of how you did so or a concluding point as it felt like the video ended quite quick. Sometimes, having that concluding point is a nice takeaway for the listener and I think it would have strengthened the video.




Xinyi Li Blog Feedback

I thought you made some great points as to why you would add relevant pictures and videos to your future slide presentations. I completely agree that having pictures on a presentation and less text makes them much more effective and much more engaging and enjoyable for the audience. I also liked how you included a video on your blog post as it simplified Dual Coding Theory and the video had some great visuals which helped explain the concept in a compelling way.

You mentioned that you think hypothesis is one of the tools that helps us learn interactively, and I would have liked to know why you think this, or an explanation to back this up I think would have strengthened the last paragraph of your post.



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